Send Us a Rendering. Tell Us a Story. Win $2,500.
The One Rendering Challenge is now part of the Architizer Vision Awards, honoring the best architectural photography, film, visualizations, drawings, models and the talented creators behind them. Winners are published in print!
Renderings spark the imagination like nothing else in architecture. With the help of extraordinarily powerful software, visualizations form a magic bridge, taking us from drawings to completed buildings in a heartbeat. These days, almost any designer can create a rendering with an incredible degree of photorealism.
So, what next?
Nowadays, a rendering has to be more than just eye candy — it needs to tell a story about architecture, helping people envision not just what a building will look like, but how it will feel to gaze up at, live alongside and stand within. What atmosphere and emotion can you conjure with a single rendering?
This is the One Rendering Challenge:
Can you create a single rendering that tells a compelling story about architecture and its inhabitants?
2 Top Winners — one student and one non-student
will each win the following:
Cash prize
12 month V-Ray Collection license, courtesy of Chaos Group ($700 value)
Featured Entry on Architizer Journal
Top billing in the Official One Rendering Winner's Announcement (See last year's announcement)
An Exclusive Interview
A personal spotlight published in Architizer Journal (See one of last year's interviews)
10 Commended Entries will each win the following:
2 Top Winners and 10 Commended Entries will all be featured in our special Winners' Announcement on Architizer Journal. 100 finalists will be published in Architizer's major annual feature, 100 Renderings That Tell Powerful Stories About Architecture, to be distributed to Architizer's community including 125,000+ newsletter subscribers and 4+ million social media followers! See last season's Finalists here.
Competition Brief
Your task is as follows: Create one rendering that powerfully communicates an architectural form or space and the experience of those that would inhabit it. It can be located anywhere in the world and be at any scale. It can take the form of a perspective, parallel projection, section, abstract or any other image format. As long as it is a computer generated visualization that portrays part or all of a building or group of buildings, it is eligible.
This should be accompanied by a short description of your proposal, no more than 150 words, which comprises your “story”. Your story should help explain what your rendering depicts, which could include: The type of architecture portrayed, where it might be located, who might inhabit it, what atmosphere it conjures, the essence it captures, and what makes it special.
Competition Deadlines and Entry Fees
Opening Call for Entries
Monday, January 10th, 2022
Early Bird Deadline
Friday, February 4th, 2022
Students $35 | Non-Students $50
Regular Entry Deadline
Friday, March 11th, 2022
Students $45 | Non-Students $65
Late Entry Deadline
Friday, March 25th, 2022
Students $55 | Non-Students $75
The One Rendering Challenge Jury comprises practitioners and thought leaders from the worlds of architecture and visualization, each with a special connection to the art of rendering. The jury represents those leaders who are actively bringing architectural ideas to the public today, both online and in the built environment. Selected jurors are as follows:

Matthew Bannister
Founder of multi-disciplinary design and communications agency DBOX, winner of an Emmy® Award!
Ronen Bekerman
Industry leader in architectural visualization: Founder of The Craft studio
Vincent Callebaut
Lead Archibiotect, Vincent Callebaut Architectures, Paris
Keely Colcleugh
Designer, visualizer and visual effects artist: Founder and CEO of Kilograph
Carlotta Cominetti
Cofounder of rendering studio VirginLemon and winner of the 1st Annual One Rendering Challenge
Mengyi Fan
Director of Animation and Visualization at award-winning NY firm SHoP Architects
Alex Hogrefe
Architect and Visualization Specialist; Creator of VisualizingArchitecture.com
Bennett Oh
Designer and Content Creator, Founder of digital platform Archi Hacks
Duy Phan
3D artist at Binyan Studio, 2 Commended Entries in the 1st One Rendering Challenge
Juan Rico
Architect, 3D visualiser; Founder and Active Director at Methanoia
Paul Keskeys
UK Architect, writer and Content Director at ArchitizerGet Your Work on the Global Stage
The One Rendering Challenge lives at Architizer.com, the largest online community of architects on the planet, with an audience 5+ million strong. Shortlisted renderings, as well as two Winners, will be featured on Architizer.com and in the “One Rendering” ebook, to be shared with millions on social media and distributed to Architizer’s 200,000 weekly email subscribers.
About Architizer
Home to the world's largest community of architects online, Architizer’s core mission is to empower architects with the tools they need to build better buildings, better cities, and a better world. We connect architects with building-product manufacturers and inspire them through our informative content, awards programs, and global reach spotlighting the world’s best architecture.
Competition FAQs
Check out the FAQ section for common questions about the competition. If you don't find the answer to your question there, please email us at competitions@architizer.com and we'll be glad to help.